How can we make sure all young people get the relationships and sex education they deserve?
Parents are calling on schools to teach the subjects their children need in order to develop healthy relationships and stay safe online.
Laura Russell, FPA's...Abortion is necessary, but so is contraception myth-busting: FPA responds to bpas data
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (bpas) has today released data that shows 51% of women who had an abortion at their clinics in...
Over 50 MPs, MLAs and peers call for NHS-funded abortions for women travelling from Northern Ireland
Today, over 50 cross-party policymakers have signed a letter supported by sexual health charity FPA, BPAS, the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal...
Brook and FPA respond to review of abortion and mental health
The sexual health charities FPA and Brook welcome today's publication of Induced Abortion and Mental Health (PDF), a systematic review published by...
Long-term study provides reassuring answers on contraceptive pill and cancer
FPA welcomes the results of a 44-year study on the long-term effects of the combined hormonal contraceptive pill. The study found that people...
Government announcement on relationships and sex education in England
FPA is delighted that the Secretary of State, Justine Greening, has announced that, in England, every child from the age of four will be...
Special hustings event launches Northern Ireland Sexual Health Week
Northern Ireland's Sexual Health Week launched Tuesday 14 February with a special hustings event in Belfast, hosted by FPA.
Sexual Health Week runs from 13–19...Local politicians must invest in sexual and reproductive healthcare
In advance of the local elections taking place in England on 22 May, the UK's leading sexual health charities and professional bodies have highlighted...
First relationships for people with learning disabilities
Written for Mencap's Learning Disabilities Week 2014 "For the past five years I have been listening to people with a learning disability tell me...